Please post my purchased tickets
I will collect my purchased tickets at the gate

Application for Festival Tickets 7th May 2012

There are three ways to purchase your tickets

The Web
Complete the application form, request tickets and pay via the PayPal site. Cost £10 per Ticket

On the Gate
Pay on the day at the gate providing there are still tickets available. Cost £12 per Ticket

At a Club Venue
Follow the link below to be shown a list of supporting venues Cost £10 per Ticket

How can I get my tickets?

GRASS ROOTS MUSIC FESTIVAL       May Bank Holiday Monday 7th May 2012

Notes on ordering tickets
Complete Application form and  indicate No of Tickets required

State whether purchased tickets to be collected on the gate or posted.

Click "Request Tickets " button you will be directed to the Successful Application and Purchase Page if tickets are available.

There are three ways to purchase your tickets
The Web
Complete the application form, request tickets and pay via the PayPal site. Cost £10 per Ticket  for Purchased tickets Collected at the Gate. OR  £10 per Ticket by post plus £1:00 package and posting for any number of tickets posted per application. Tickets can be purchased through this web page up to 8:00pm on Sunday 6th May 2012
On the Gate
Pay on the day at the gate providing there are still tickets available. Cost £12 per Ticket

At a Club Venue
Follow the link below to be shown a list of supporting venues Cost £10 per Ticket

How can I get my tickets?

Ticket Application

Don't worry about the weather, the festival is under a Marquee

Tickets can be purchased through this web page up to 8:00pm on Sunday 6th May 2012
